Spending time together as a family on vacation is important. Making memories, bonding and just being together is what life is all about. But when a marriage comes to an end, taking children on vacation may not be as easy as it was before.
A lot of legal factors come into play when going on vacation, particularly overseas when a couple is separated or divorced.
Advanced Planning
When it comes to traveling after the dissolution of a marriage, it’s important to know the facts. Reaching an agreement with the other parent should be the first order of business. This should entail reaching an agreement with respect to holidays, days off school and travel. Pre-planning can go a long way towards warding off messy legal repercussions.
Effective co-parenting means doing what is best for the children. Try to reach a middle ground when it comes to vacation plans by giving the other parent plenty of advance notice. If both parties cannot come to an agreement about vacation plans, retaining a Tampa divorce lawyer may be necessary.
International and Domestic Travel
With stricter travel laws now in place, even married couples need to think ahead. Hopping on a plane with children isn’t as easy as it was before. There are specific rules and regulations, which need to be followed.
International travel requires that the traveling parents provide all necessary documentation at both the airport and the border, proving that they are legally allowed to take the child out of the country. A valid passport for the parent and all children will be required, even for babies who are only a few months of age. Take into account passport processing time as it can affect travel plans.
The same may hold true for domestic travel. Be prepared to show appropriate documentation, which includes copies of birth certificates, a copy of travel plans and a copy of any separation or divorce orders.
Proper Documentation
When it comes to traveling with children, married or not, parents need to be prepared. However, in cases where the parents are legally separated or divorced, it’s even more important than the appropriate documentation is readily available. With so many cases of children abduction by parents, it’s not uncommon to get stopped at the gate. A Tampa divorce lawyer can help organize and prepare the required documents if one or both parents reside in Tampa.
In addition, according to Quinn & Lynch P.A., the documents should also include proper identification for children over the age of 13, formal separation agreements or a signed divorce decree. There should be clear notation that travels with the child, either international or dosmestic is permitted. Documents should be signed by a notary and in a sealed envelope.
Quinn & Lynch P.A. who is a Tampa divorce lawyer, understand the sensitivity of the matter. Divorce is never easy and when there are children involved, the need for a peaceful resolution is even higher. The most important thing is enjoying time with the children, not squabbling over visitation rights