Daniel Doyle in Pleasantville Shares How Travel Photography Helped Him Relieve His Stay at Home Woes

The lockdown era remains in full swing, despite the use of vaccines to stem the tide of COVID-19. Daniel Doyle Pleasantville photographer believes travel photography has helped him to relieve his frustration about the pandemic. The virus has changed life for every community, with the CDC reporting 40 percent of U.S. adults have mental health issues. Travel photographers have become popular since the rise of Instagram and Facebook, as the public looks for new locations to visit. Daniel Doyle has seen his photographic career challenged by the new normal of COVID-19, leading to his decision to plan for a future in travel photography.

Planning a Trip is Good for Mental Health

The planning of a vacation or work trip is a powerful tool in caring for your mental health. The inability to interact with friends, family, and co-workers has harmed the mental health of millions of people during the pandemic. Looking back at his career, Daniel Doyle identified realized the happiness he felt when planning a trip. A study from 2014 reported by National Geographic explained the planning of a vacation or work trip increased happiness levels for most people. Other studies back up the claims from Cornell University and go on to explain why we feel happy.

The happiness and excitement of visiting a new location is one reason for our increase in contentment. Another reason for the excitement we feel about a trip is the chance to interact with new people. The lockdown period of the pandemic has made life a struggle, with anxiety and loneliness topping the charts of mental health issues. The simple act of planning a travel photography tour in 2022 can give a glimpse of the light at the end of the COVID-19 tunnel.

Spending Time in Nature

The COVID-19 lockdown has changed life in several ways, including spending less time outdoors. The switch to working from home for most people has limited the time spent exercising outdoors. Photography is a popular way of exploring local areas and leaving our homes.

When humans spend time outdoors in nature, we find ourselves feeling happier than when we feel alone at home. More time spent in nature can improve our mood and make us feel happier. Daniel Doyle Pleasantville Photographer explains exercise is vital to surviving the lockdown with your mental health intact. Photographers spend time exploring the great outdoors and exercise by walking to unexplored locations.

Planning Photography Tours

Daniel Doyle has been looking for ways of finding success in the future when the pandemic is over. Doyle has always had an interest in travel photography and has made it part of his career. The expansion of his travel photography business is an area of interest that has helped him cope with the stay-at-home problems caused by the pandemic.

Many of the most famous travel photographers in the world also operate tours that take people to different parts of the planet. These tours allow people to explore far-flung places and perfect their photography skills. Planning tours in the latter-half to 2021 and the summer of 2022 is a good way of continuing business during the lockdown.

The arrival of several COVID-19 vaccinations offers hope for travel photographers, with the introduction of a digital health passport already begun. Time explains several European nations and Israel have already established a Green Pass that allows vaccinated people to enjoy freedom of travel. Daniel Doyle believes this will spread around the world and open up the travel photography sector in the coming months.

Enjoy the Work of Others

As COVID-19 restrictions begin to ease, Daniel Doyle has spent more time looking at the work of experienced travel photographers. By exploring the work of travel photographers, inspiration can be found for travels and new photographic styles. Artists draw inspiration from each other, with the areas discovered by photographers filled with photographic possibilities.

Daniel Doyle Pleasantville photographer believes the pandemic has been important to reassess the importance of his career. Taking the lead in his career has never been a problem, but travel photography has allowed the photographer to explore the world from his home. Keeping his career relevant on social media platforms has included posting images from earlier travels to market his work during the pandemic.